Christie Marie Cales

Christie, circa 1998

  • Missing Since 03/11/1998
  • Missing From Blue Island, Illinois
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 01/25/1958 (67)
  • Age 40 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'4, 140 pounds
  • Medical Conditions Christie suffers from depression caused in part by the deaths of two of her children. She was been a patient in psychiatric hospitals on multiple occasions. In addition, she is an alcoholic.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Brown hair, brown eyes. Christie has a tattoo of the name "Sean" on her left breast, and a multi-colored tattoo of a dove with an olive branch in its mouth on her hip. Her nickname is Chris and her maiden name is Tourges.

Details of Disappearance

Christie was last seen at approximately 4:30 p.m. on March 11, 1998, in the vicinity of the 2300 block of west 199th Street in Blue Island, Illinois. She said she was going either to church or to a friend's house (accounts differ), but she never arrived at her destination and has never been heard from again.

Christie had six children: five by her husband, Anthony, and one by a previous relationship. One of their daughters died in a fire in 1983 at the age of two, and their youngest died of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) in 1987. Christie was reportedly devastated by the loss of her children.

She and Anthony had always had an extremely troubled relationship. Both parties abused drugs and alcohol, there frequent episodes of domestic violence in the home, and they reportedly neglected and abused their children. There were also financial problems.

Christie was arrested multiple times for offenses such as shoplifting, driving while intoxicated, battery and criminal property damage, and regularly failed to appear in court as scheduled. She had a history of dropping out of sight for weeks at a time, but she has never been gone for this long.

After the Christie and Anthony divorced in 1990, Anthony got custody of their surviving children, one son and three daughters. One of the couple's daughters died of cancer as a young adult in 2006. In 2007, eleven years after Christie disappeared, her daughter Stacy Peterson also vanished and has never been found. The two disappearances are not believed to be related.

Christie's loved ones believe she did not leave of her own accord but was, in fact, murdered by her live-in boyfriend. He has not been named as a suspect in her case, however. Christie's disappearance received additional police attention after her daughter Stacy vanished. Her case remains unsolved.

Investigating Agency

  • Blue Island Police Department 708-396-7025

Updated 5 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated August 5, 2012; details of disappearance updated.