Judie Kay Lowery Munguia

Munguia, circa 1981

  • Missing Since 05/28/1981
  • Missing From Odessa, Texas
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 12/30/1948 (76)
  • Age 32 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'3, 150 pounds
  • Associated Vehicle(s) Gray 1977 Lincoln Continental (accounted for)
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Black hair, hazel eyes. Munguia has a scar on her left leg between the knee and ankle. Her ears are pierced. Some agencies may spell her last name "Mungia."

Details of Disappearance

Munguia was last seen departing her residence in the 5500 block of McKnight in Odessa, Texas at approximately 1:00 a.m. on May 28, 1981. She was planning to drive to a friend's house in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma at the time; she told her husband she planned to be gone for several days. She was driving a gray 1977 Lincoln Continental.

Munguia never arrived at her destination and has not been seen again. She was reported missing five days after she was last seen. Her car was found abandoned at Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City on November 14, 1981, nearly six months after her initial disappearance.

Authorities determined that the vehicle was parked in the airport's lot since June 7. There was no trace of Munguia at the scene, and two small pieces of luggage she took with her were not in the car. Five spent .22 caliber bullet casings were behind the backseat of the car.

Foul play is suspected in Munguia's disappearance; her family does not believe she would have abandoned her young son or left without telling anyone. She dropped out of high school and married young, but eventually got her GED. She was an involved mother and also had a close relationship with her parents. Her case remains unsolved.

Investigating Agency

  • Ector County Sheriff's Office 432-335-3050

Updated 3 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated February 9, 2019; details of disappearance updated.