Sean Thomas Rush


Rush, circa 2003

  • Missing Since 02/17/2003
  • Missing From St. Paul, Minnesota
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Age 22 years old
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male.

Details of Disappearance

Rush disappeared from his St. Paul, Minnesota apartment on February 17, 2003. He left notes behind dictating who should receive his possessions. Two days later, on February 19, he jumped to his death from a parking garage at the Mall of America in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

He was carrying no identification at the time he took his own life. This and the fact that Rush was not reported missing for weeks after his death hindered identification efforts. Rush's remains were finally identified in February 2008, five years almost to the day from his disappearance.

Investigating Agency

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Source Information

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