Stephanie Michele Smith
Smith, circa 1985 (approximately 18 years prior to her disappearance; more recent photos are unavailable)
- Missing Since 01/01/2003
- Missing From Salt Lake City, Utah
- Classification Missing
- Sex Female
- Race White
- Date of Birth 01/03/1967 (58)
- Age 35 - 36 years old
- Height and Weight 5'10, 150 - 170 pounds
- Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Brown hair, gray eyes. Smith has a birthmark on her right knee. She may wear eyeglasses or contact lenses.
Details of Disappearance
Smith was last seen in Salt Lake City, Utah sometime in early 2003. She has never been heard from again. Her sister, who reported her missing, had not heard from her since 2001. Very little information is available in her case.
Investigating Agency
- Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake 385-468-9800
Source Information
Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated October 20, 2020; casefile added.