Adagio Talifero

Adagio, circa 2018; Age-progression to age 16 (circa 2020)

  • Missing Since 06/07/2018
  • Missing From Goleta Beach, California
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race Biracial, Black, Hispanic
  • Date of Birth 05/01/2004 (20)
  • Age 14 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'4 - 5'7, 100 - 120 pounds
  • Associated Vehicle(s) 30-foot sailboat
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Biracial (African-American/Caucasian) male. Brown hair, brown eyes. Adagio's nickname is Dag. He may shave his head. One of his front teeth protrudes.

Details of Disappearance

Adagio was last seen in June 2018. He was homeschooled and lived with his father, Gerald, on a farm near Nevada City, California. They left the farm on June 2, and this is the last time anyone saw Adagio.

In the following days, Gerald visited friends in Arizona, and relatives in Santa Barbara and Ojai, California, and left some of his belongings with these people. He said he and Adagio were going to sail a friend's 30-foot sailboat to Hawaii. When he was asked where Adagio was, Gerald said he was on the boat with friends. It was unusual of Adagio not to accompany his father everywhere, as they were very close.

Gerald set sail from Goleta Beach, California on June 7. There was a possible planned stop in San Diego, California. The trip to Hawaii should have taken three to six weeks. Gerald's ex-wife and his family became concerned when they didn't hear from him or Adagio within five weeks, and contacted the Coast Guard, but they had no information about the boat so there was little the Coast Guard could do.

The pair apparently never arrived in Hawaii. They were supposed to fly back to San Diego on September 1 and had already purchased tickets, but never made the flight.

In July 2018, just a month after the pair disappeared, Gerald's remains were found on Goleta Beach, near where he had been dropped off so he could get on the sailboat. They were identified as his in the spring of 2021. There was no indication of Adagio's whereabouts, however.

Investigators stated there was no evidence of foul play in Gerald's death and Adagio's disappearance, and that both of them may have perished at sea. Adagio's mother, however, hopes he could still be alive and remains active in the search for him.

Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated April 27, 2022; age-progression added, details of disappearance updated.