Florence Helen Okpealuk

Okpealuk, circa 2020

  • Missing Since 08/31/2020
  • Missing From Nome, Alaska
  • Classification Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race Native American
  • Date of Birth 08/26/1987 (37)
  • Age 33 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'2, 142 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A light-colored shirt, blue jeans and sunglasses.
  • Medical Conditions Okpealuk is an alcoholic.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Native American female. Black hair, black eyes. Okpealuk's nickname is Flo.

Details of Disappearance

Okpealuk was last seen coming out of a tent on West Beach about one to two miles outside Nome, Alaska at 4:00 p.m. on September 1, 2020. She has never been heard from again and her jacket, shoes and socks were found left outside the tent.

Okpealuk left behind a six-year-old daughter, and her family stated she was an involved mother who was able to co-parent with the child's father. Few details are available in her case.

Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated August 17, 2024; three pictures added, clothing/jewelry description added.