Adrian Ferreras Almario
Adrian, circa 2006
- Missing Since 04/20/2006
- Missing From Island County, Washington
- Classification Lost/Injured Missing
- Sex Male
- Race Asian
- Date of Birth 09/20/1989 (34)
- Age 17 years old
- Height and Weight 5'7, 147 pounds
- Distinguishing Characteristics Asian male. Black hair, brown eyes.
Details of Disappearance
Adrian was last seen in Island County, Washington on April 20, 2006. He walked from his home in Oak Harbor, Washington and jumped from Deception Pass Bridge there. Witnesses saw him jump, and they saw his body floating in the water 180 feet below before it disappeared. He left his backpack on the bridge.
Adrian was a senior at Oak Harbor High School at the time of his disappearance. He planned to study culinary arts at Skagit Valley College after his graduation. An extensive search failed to recover his body, but he is presumed to be deceased.
Investigating Agency
- Island County Sheriff's Office 360-678-4422
Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated November 15, 2010; casefile added.