Aidan Victoria Spear

Spear, circa 2022

  • Missing Since 01/24/2022
  • Missing From Tacoma, Washington
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race Native American
  • Date of Birth 07/05/2000 (24)
  • Age 21 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'6, 120 pounds
  • Medical Conditions Spear has a history of substance abuse.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Native American female. Brown hair, brown eyes.

Details of Disappearance

Spear was last seen in the Hosmer area of Tacoma, Washington on January 24, 2022. She was homeless at the time of her disappearance and struggling with addiction. She was supposed to meet her mother that day at 11:00 a.m.; her mother had arranged for her to be admitted to a drug rehabilitation facility.

At about 10:40 a.m., twenty minutes before the meeting, Spear messaged her mother to say she had to goodbye to someone and would be late for their meeting. She never arrived for their meeting and has never been heard from again. Few details are available in her case.

Investigating Agency

  • Pierce County Sheriff's Office 253-798-7530

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated February 21, 2024; casefile added.