Amanda Lee Fravel

Fravel, circa 1986

  • Missing Since 06/13/1986
  • Missing From Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 05/09/1966 (58)
  • Age 20 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'4 - 5'5, 110 pounds
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Brown hair, green eyes. Fravel's nickname is Mandy. She bleached her hair blonde and she maintained good dental hygiene in 1986. She has a tattoo of a rose on her left hand.

Details of Disappearance

Fravel in moved from her home state of California to Las Vegas, Nevada in 1985. She stayed with a friend and her friend's family at first, then moved into a place of her own, but found that too expensive and moved in with a roommate. She had a job at a Taco Bell restaurant.

In June 1986, her mother sent her money so she could come home to Rancho Cordova, California to visit. Fravel never arrived in California, however. She was last seen on June 13, 1986; her roommate, Lew Frank, said she left their apartment on south 3rd Street. She was planning to pick up her paycheck at Taco Bell and visit her ex-boyfriend.

Fravel had no vehicle and it's unclear what her means of transportation was that day; there are reports that she was a frequent hitchhiker, but a friend said she had stopped hitchhiking entirely by the time she disappeared after she had a bad experience. She never arrived at either of her destinations and has never been heard from again.

A few weeks after Fravel's disappearance, her mother and stepfather came to Las Vegas to investigate her case. They met with her ex-boyfriend and with her roommate. All of Fravel's things in the apartment were packed up, and her two kittens had reportedly not been fed or cared for since she went missing. Fravel is described as a caring pet owner who would not have willingly left her kittens without food.

Fravel's mother and stepfather and her friend were all suspicious of Frank. He appeared to be in his late forties in 1986, and many of the visitors to the apartment were much younger people. He stated he was from Georgia, although he spoke without any discernible accent, and said he had come to Nevada to open up a brothel.

There is no record of Frank in Nevada state records and it's possible the name "Lew Frank" was an alias. His current whereabouts are unknown and he has never been named as a suspect in Fravel's disappearance.

Fravel had had an unhappy home and family life and a chaotic upbringing in California, and although her mother had purchased her a plane ticket to go back there, her friend said she thought Fravel would have never returned home due to the unfortunate situation there. Fravel reportedly told her friend she wanted to go to Canada to meet a musician who lived there.

Foul play is suspected in Fravel's case. Her disappearance remains unsolved.

Investigating Agency

  • Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department 800-492-6565

Updated 7 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated April 18, 2020; picture added.