Andrew Brian Renton

Renton, circa 2007

  • Missing Since 12/14/2007
  • Missing From Miami, Florida
  • Classification Lost/Injured Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 12/14/1961 (63)
  • Age 46 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'10, 160 pounds
  • Medical Conditions Renton has reportedly been diagnosed with cancer of the stomach and intestines. He also suffers from high blood pressure, emphysema and other health issues.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Brown hair, blue eyes. Renton goes by his middle name, Brian, and many accounts refer to him by that name. He is a heavy smoker.

Details of Disappearance

Renton left the home he shared with his parents on December 14, 2007, his birthday. He packed his canoe on top of his truck and drove away, saying he was going to Connecticut. Instead he went to the Everglades National Park.

On December 19, Renton's mailed suicide note arrived at his family's home. In the note he stated he had cancer, a fact his relatives were unaware of, and that he was going take his own life because he didn't want to go through treatment or be a burden to his family.

His loved ones had had no idea that he was sick or contemplating suicide. They haven't been able to determine whether his health problems were as serious as he claimed; Renton did not have health insurance and would visit walk-in clinics for his medical needs.

Based on the postmark, Renton's father believed his son had gone to the Everglades. He notified park rangers and, on January 2, they found Renton's maroon Chevrolet pickup truck parked at the boat ramp at Whitewater Bay. Inside was an empty handgun case and more notes citing his health problems.

Two days later, a searcher found Renton's green canoe concealed 30 yards off a trail leading to Bear Lake, a few miles from the boat ramp where his truck had been. An extensive search of the park turned up no sign of Renton himself, however.

Renton has never married or had any children. He worked as a self-employed carpenter and cabinet-maker and enjoyed bow hunting, shooting and fishing in his free time. He is still considered a missing person because his body has not been found.

Investigating Agency

  • Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office 800-873-8477

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated November 28, 2010; casefile added.