Angel Nichole Overstreet

Angel, circa 2021; Shannon Overstreet

  • Missing Since 05/01/2021
  • Missing From Huntington, West Virginia
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 02/11/2021 (4)
  • Age 2 months old
  • Height and Weight 1'6, 8 pounds
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Brown hair, blue eyes. Angel has a strawberry birthmark on the back of her neck.

Details of Disappearance

Angel was last seen in Huntington, West Virginia sometime in early May 2021; her date of disappearance is usually given as May 7 or May 8, but the last time anyone actually saw her was on May 1. She was in the care of her father, Shannon Patrick Overstreet, at the time. A photo of Shannon is posted with this case summary.

On May 24, West Virginia's Child Protective Services (CPS), reported Angel missing. They said they'd asked Shannon his daughter's whereabouts and he said he had turned the baby over to the care of two CPS  workers about two weeks earlier.

CPS didn't have Angel, however, and even after checking with CPS agencies in the neighboring states of Kentucky and Ohio, they still couldn't find her. Shannon couldn't produce any evidence of the alleged custody exchange, and the agency was concerned for Angel's safety.

After Huntington police launched an investigation, Shannon was arrested on unrelated charges of felony malicious wounding and a battery: he had allegedly severely beaten his own mother and dragged her by the hair across the yard. She had to be hospitalized and treated for bleeding in the brain. Shannon has a prior criminal record for multiple violent offenses, including forcibly tattooing his name on a woman.

Authorities searched Angel's mother's residence, where Shannon had sometimes been known to stay, and they drained and searched a pond on his property in Olive Hill, Kentucky, looking for evidence in Angel's case, but found nothing. Authorities stated they're in touch with Angel's mother and they don't think she was in the area when Angel disappeared or knows what happened to her.

Shannon is considered a person of interest in his daughter's disappearance, but not a suspect, for lack of evidence as to what occurred. The circumstances of Angel's disappearance are unclear.

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated May 17, 2022; casefile added.