Arturo Reyes-Salmeron

Reyes-Salmeron, circa 2008

  • Missing Since 06/15/2005
  • Missing From Immokalee, Florida
  • Classification Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race Hispanic
  • Date of Birth 06/03/1969 (55)
  • Age 36 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'10, 180 pounds
  • Associated Vehicle(s) Small gray Ford Mustang
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Hispanic male. Black hair, brown eyes.

Details of Disappearance

Reyes-Salmeron was last seen in Immokalee, Florida on June 15, 2005. He was getting into a small gray Ford Mustang with Noel DeLaRosa at the time. DeLaRosa is not listed as a missing person.

Reyes-Salmeron has never been heard from again. He worked in the construction industry and lived in the 600 block of Clifton Street in Immokalee at the time of his disappearance. Few details are available in his case.

Investigating Agency

  • Collier County Sheriff's Office 239-252-9300

Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated November 27, 2018; picture added.