Austin Matthew Leming

Leming, circa 2021

  • Missing Since 12/07/2021
  • Missing From Kent, Washington
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 06/20/1985 (39)
  • Age 36 years old
  • Height and Weight 6'2, 200 pounds
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Brown hair, brown eyes.

Details of Disappearance

Leming was last seen at an apartment complex in downtown Kent, Washington on December 7, 2021. He has never been heard from again. His family believes he is deceased, as they don't think he would have abandoned his son. Few details are available in his case, but foul play is suspected.

Investigating Agency

  • Kent Police Department 253-856-5800

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated February 23, 2024; casefile added.