Betty Ann Claw

Claw, circa 1996

  • Missing Since 08/02/1996
  • Missing From Farmington, New Mexico
  • Classification Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race Native American
  • Date of Birth 07/17/1946 (78)
  • Age 50 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'3 - 5'6, 140 pounds
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Native American female. Black hair, brown eyes. Claw wears prescription eyeglasses. She has a surgical scar on the right side of her lip and a mole on her right shoulder, and her ears are pierced. Her thumb and ankles are damaged from a prior car accident, and she had pins inserted. Claw may use the first name Ina.

Details of Disappearance

Claw was last seen by family members in Farmington, New Mexico on August 2, 1996. She has never been heard from again. One of her sisters reported her missing in December. Few details are available in her case.

Investigating Agency

  • San Juan County Sheriff's Office 505-334-7744

Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated August 5, 2022; date of disappearance corrected, date of birth added.