Bettye Jo Hart

Hart, circa 1985

  • Missing Since 09/11/1985
  • Missing From Grapevine, Texas
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 02/01/1931 (94)
  • Age 54 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'5 - 5'10, 110 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A purple blouse, purple slacks, and a white gold ring with multiple diamonds weighing approximately 3 carats in total.
  • Medical Conditions Hart has been diagnosed with leukemia. She also suffers from acute anemia and bleeding ulcers. Hart is classified as disabled.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Red hair, blue eyes. Hart has surgical scars on her abdomen. Her gallbladder and uterus are missing and she has had a partial gastrectomy. Her first name may be spelled "Betty." Hart may use the aliases B. J. Walker, Betty Horn, Betty J. Lindsay, Betty J. Walker, Jo Hart and/or Betty Horn Hart. She has a crowded anterior tooth. Her blood type is A-positive.

Details of Disappearance

Hart was last seen near her Grapevine, Texas residence at 12:00 p.m. on September 11, 1985. She was accompanied by Garry V. Kirkland at the time. Further details regarding Kirkland are unavailable. Hart has never been heard from again. Her clothing, jewelry and vehicle were left behind at the home she shared with her husband.

There were no signs of a struggle at Hart's home, but foul play has not been ruled out in her disappearance.

She was a woman of means who owned property in the area and operated a tavern in Tarrant County. Her loved ones stated it would be uncharacteristic of her to knowingly get into a dangerous situation and, other than owning a bar, she did not have a high-risk lifestyle.

Investigators searched a heavily wooded area of Sky Harbor in northern Hood County, Texas in 2008, looking for Hart's body, but the search turned up nothing. Her case remains unsolved.

Investigating Agency

  • Grapevine Police Department 817-410-3224

Updated 4 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated April 3, 2017; details of disappearance updated.