Carleton Roger Lee

Lee, circa 2022

  • Missing Since 03/31/2022
  • Missing From Hunters Point, Arizona
  • Classification Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race Native American
  • Age 35 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'8, 160 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A black jacket, blue jeans, a gray beanie hat with an Adidas logo and black Jordan shoes.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Native American male. Brown hair, brown eyes. Lee is an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation. He has a three-inch scar on the left side of his head, and he wears eyeglasses.

Details of Disappearance

Lee was last seen by his parents at his home in Hunters Point, Arizona at 5:00 a.m. on March 31, 2022. He left home on foot, leaving his cellular phone and wallet behind, and has never been heard from again. Few details are available in his case.

Investigating Agency

  • Navajo Nation Police Department, Window Rock District 928-871-6111

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated July 15, 2024; casefile added.