Charlotte Pollis

Charlotte, circa 1994; Paul Pollis in 2017

  • Missing Since 03/12/1994
  • Missing From Girard, Ohio
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 07/04/1965 (59)
  • Age 28 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'2 - 5'7, 260 - 300 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description Pajamas.
  • Medical Conditions Charlotte was taking medication at the time of her disappearance for an ear infection. Her medicine was left behind.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Black/brown hair, brown eyes. Charlotte's ears are pierced. Her nickname is Char. Her maiden name is Nagi and some agencies may refer to her as Charlotte Nagi Pollis.

Details of Disappearance

Charlotte was sick with an acute ear infection on March 11, 1994. Her husband, Paul Edward Pollis, took her to the hospital for treatment that evening while his parents cared for their two children at their residence in Girard, Ohio. Paul's family departed when the couple returned some time later and Charlotte called her mother. She has never been heard from again.

Charlotte's mother phoned her daughter's house at approximately 8:50 a.m. on March 12, the following morning. Paul told her Charlotte was still asleep. He told authorities that she awoke shortly thereafter and he said he told her to rest.

Paul said he took their children with him while he ran errands. He claimed that they stopped at the pharmacy, the laundromat, the scrap yard and a fast food restaurant before driving around the neighborhood to look at houses for sale. Paul stated that they returned home at approximately 4:00 p.m.

He discovered that Charlotte was not at their residence and said that he assumed she was feeling better and went out. Paul said he became concerned at approximately 7:30 p.m. that evening. He found his wife's purse in the house and called several friends to inquire as to her whereabouts.

Charlotte's family arrived at the couple's home when she could not be located. She had apparently left the house without her winter coat, wearing only her nightclothes. Charlotte's sister told authorities that she saw two sets of footprints in the snow leading from the side door of the residence to a small shed in the yard. The second set of tracks led back to the house.

Her sister stated that the shed doors appeared to be bulging and she asked Paul for the key so she could investigate inside. Charlotte's sister claimed Paul became angry and refused her request. Charlotte's brother returned to their home the following day and saw that the shed doors were closed normally. He looked inside and noticed that all of the items had been shoved to one side.

One of the couple's neighbors told investigators that she saw Paul standing near the couple's vehicle on March 12. She said that the car was packed with bags and boxes. The incident occurred during the time that Paul claimed he was running errands with their children. Other witnesses claimed that they saw Paul traveling through Girard during the day Charlotte vanished, but said that their children were not with him.

Authorities searched the Pollis residence and found that it had been thoroughly cleaned shortly beforehand. Charlotte's brother claims he saw a blood-spattered blanket and two bloodstained pillows in the house, but these items were not recovered.

A human blood stain was found in the trunk of Paul and Charlotte's vehicle, but was too small to be analyzed for DNA or blood type. Paul initially agreed to take a polygraph test, but never arrived as scheduled. Investigators discovered he had disappeared from his home and left a note behind. The letter stated that he loved his wife and would never intentionally harm her.

Paul returned three months later, claiming he had been suffering from mental anguish and needed time alone. Police filed charges against him for obstructing their investigation. The charges were later dismissed, however. Paul has maintained his innocence in Charlotte's disappearance. He remarried and moved to Howland, Ohio sometime after his wife vanished.

He has been in trouble with the law several times. The most serious incident was in 2006, he and his second wife were charged with money laundering; they embezzled $1.6 million from a dialysis clinic. The charges against Paul were reduced in exchange for his cooperation. His wife was convicted and sentenced to 25 years in prison. A photo of Paul is posted with this case summary. Since the embezzling incident he has been arrested several times for offenses including felony drug possession and probation violation.

According to her family, Charlotte had been acting as if she felt troubled just before her disappearance. She asked her brother to take care of her children if anything happened to her. Her brother asked if Paul was abusing her and Charlotte said no.

There is no known history of violence in the Pollis marriage. Charlotte's family believes she was the victim of foul play and Paul was involved in the incident. They said the footprints in the snow indicate Paul had assistance moving Charlotte's body from the home.

There have been no arrests in Charlotte's case, which remains unsolved.

Investigating Agency

  • Girard Police Department 330-545-0211

Updated 8 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated March 11, 2019; picture added, details of disappearance updated.