Cole Duane Jackson
Jackson, circa 2006
- Missing Since 07/13/2006
- Missing From Timpson, Texas
- Classification Endangered Missing
- Sex Male
- Race White
- Date of Birth 01/10/1973 (52)
- Age 33 years old
- Height and Weight 5'7, 135 - 160 pounds
- Clothing/Jewelry Description A brown shirt and blue jeans.
- Medical Conditions Jackson is severely asthmatic and does not have the inhalers he is supposed to use to control his condition. In addition, he was acting paranoid and disoriented at the time of his disappearance and may be suffering from mental or emotional problems.
- Associated Vehicle(s) Silver 2003 Dodge half-ton pickup truck (accounted for)
- Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Brown hair, blue eyes. Jackson has a sailboat-shaped scar on his right cheek, a scar on the back of his head, and his initials "CJ" tattooed on his left shoulderblade. He suffered from appendicitis as a teenager.
Details of Disappearance
Jackson was last seen near FM 1645 and CR 4230 just south of Timpson, Texas on July 13, 2006. The truck he was driving came out of a private pasture and rammed into a fence. He stopped and spoke to the elderly man who owned the land.
Jackson apologized and said he would pay $120 for the damage, but said he had to run to get away from the "bad people" who were chasing him. He has never been heard from again.
Jackson's silver 2003 Dodge half-ton pickup truck was located abandoned in Shelby County, Texas on July 15. It was found approximately two miles from where he was last seen. The driver's side door was open and the truck was still in four-wheel drive. Both of his inhalers were inside the vehicle, and there were no indications of a struggle.
His loved ones also found Jackson's white sneakers in the woods; his wedding ring had been placed inside one of the shoes. At the time of his disappearance he had been behaving in an irrational and paranoid manner.
Due to the circumstances surrounding Jackson's disappearance, there are fears for his safety. His family stated he had had problems with drug abuse in the past and had a minor criminal record as a result; they think it's possible drugs were involved in his disappearance.
Jackson's wife was three months pregnant with their first child at the time he went missing. His case remains unsolved.
Investigating Agency
- Nacogdoches County Sheriff's Office 936-560-7777
Updated 3 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated July 2, 2008; picture added, distinguishing characteristics, clothing/jewelry description and details of disappearance updated.