Cynthia Jane Marl

Marl, circa 2005

  • Missing Since 03/19/2005
  • Missing From Wenatchee, Washington
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 03/09/1960 (65)
  • Age 45 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'7, 140 - 165 pounds
  • Associated Vehicle(s) Dark green or teal-colored 1995 Plymouth Voyager van with the license plate number 507KBV with a broken left side brake light and a bumper sticker with an American flag and the phrase "These Colors Don't Run" (accounted for)
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Marl's hair was dyed auburn at the time of her disappearance.

Details of Disappearance

Marl was last seen in Wenatchee, Washington on March 19, 2005. She left home at 8:30 p.m. to run errands, saying she would be back within 45 minutes. She never returned and has never been heard from again.

At the time of her disappearance, Marl was driving a dark green or teal-colored 1995 Plymouth Voyager van with the license plate number 507KBV. The vehicle's brake light on the driver's side is broken and has red tape over it, and the chrome strip on the passenger side had come off and was reattached with screws. The van also has a bumper sticker on the back that has a picture of an American flag and the phrase "These Colors Don't Run."

On May 6, authorities found Marl's van Ephrata, Washington. A witness stated it had been parked there for about a month.

Marl's adult son, whom she lived with at the time of her disappearance, believes she met with foul play. He stated her dog, whom she cherished, was very sick and he didn't think she would have abandoned it. Her son is not considered a suspect in her disappearance. They lived in the 300 block of south Delaware Avenue.

In April 2009, a man named Scott Bates was shot to death while breaking into someone's home. After his death, police announced he had been a suspect in Marl's disappearance for some time. An informant told investigators that Marl was selling methadone and OxyContin, a powerful prescription painkiller, and Bates wanted the informant's help so he could steal Marl's money and drugs. He allegedly said he planned to kick Marl in the head and then possibly suffocate her.

It is worth noting that Marl had been arrested for heroin possession prior to her disappearance; she failed to appear in court later, and a warrant was issued for her arrest. Authorities discovered after his death that Bates had robbed several pharmacies along with an accomplice.

Marl was unemployed at the time of her disappearance due to a back injury and received Social Security benefits. She may have had as much as $1,000 in cash on her at the time of her disappearance. She was attending Wenatchee Valley College and hoped to become a veterinarian. Her case remains unsolved and foul play is suspected.

Investigating Agency

  • Wenatchee Police Department 509-888-4200

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated November 17, 2010; casefile added.