Dennis Burdell Fout Jr.
Fout, circa 2019; Tattoos on Fout's neck; Tattoos on his forearm; Tattoo on his upper arm
- Missing Since 02/06/2019
- Missing From Columbus, Ohio
- Classification Missing
- Sex Male
- Race White
- Age 44 years old
- Height and Weight 6'2, 180 - 250 pounds
- Clothing/Jewelry Description Possibly a baggy hooded sweatshirt, jeans, sneakers and a hat.
- Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Brown hair, hazel eyes. Fout has several tattoos on his neck: a four-leaf clover and a skull on the front, praying hands with a rosary on one side, and the word "Chaos" on the other side. He has two skulls and a cross tattooed on one forearm and the initials "GS" tattooed on that upper arm, and tattoos on the other forearm. Photos of some of his tattoos are posted with this case summary. His nickname is Danny.
Details of Disappearance
Fout was last seen in the Hilltop area on the west side of Columbus, Ohio on February 6, 2019. He has never been heard from again. He had no cellular phone or vehicle at the time of his disappearance. Few details are available in his case.
Investigating Agency
- Columbus Police Department 614-645-4545
Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated February 18, 2020; casefile added.