Dori Ann Myers

Myers, circa 2006; Sketch of unidentified Caucasian suspect; Sketch of unidentified Hispanic/Native American suspect

  • Missing Since 01/10/2006
  • Missing From Vero Beach, Florida
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 03/09/1962 (63)
  • Age 43 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'2 - 5'3, 110 - 115 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description Three gold chain necklaces with a hairdresser scissors charm, a "Lil Sis" charm, and a Harley Davidson motorcycle charm.
  • Associated Vehicle(s) Black 1998 Toyota Corolla (accounted for)
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Brown hair, brown eyes. Myers has the following tattoos: a lion, a wizard and a Harley Davidson emblem on her back, a rose on her left earlobe, unspecified tattoos on her abdomen and each buttock, and an unspecified tattoo extending down her left thigh. She has a four-inch scar on her right arm and shoulder, and pins inserted into her ankle. Her maiden name is Curry. Myers wears eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Details of Disappearance

Myers was last seen at the St. Lucie Inn, a bar in the 2100 block of Old Dixie Highway in Fort Pierce, Florida, on January 10, 2006. She left the establishment with two unidentified men. Her ex-boyfriend called her at 9:30 p.m. at her home, heard voices in the background and asked who was with her.

Myers told him the men were Marines who had been wounded in Iraq and that she'd invited them to stay the night. She stated one man was was going to sleep on the pull-out couch and the other man would sleep on the sofa. She ended their conversation hurriedly. Her ex-boyfriend was concerned about the situation, but he was out of state at the time and unable to assist Myers.

Neighbors heard what sounded like an argument at Myers's house at around midnight or 2:00 a.m., but did not come to investigate or call the police. At approximately 3:00 a.m. the following day, Myers's tan house in the 8400 block of Salerno Road in Vero Beach, Florida caught fire and was gutted. The fire department determined that the fire had several points of origin and a flammable liquid was used as an accelerant.

Myers's vehicle, a black 1998 Toyota Corolla, was seen being driven away from the scene at the time of her fire, but no one saw who was at the wheel. At 5:00 a.m., the car was found a public boat ramp in Glades County, Florida, 80 miles from Myers's home. It had also been severely burned. There was no sign of Myers at her house or where her car was found and she has never been heard from again.

Although investigators initially believed Myers set fire to her own home and vehicle, they have since concluded that another individual or individuals committed the arson and abducted Myers. The two men she was with on the night of her disappearance are the prime suspects in her case.

One of the suspects was Caucasian, 25 to 35 years old and weighing 175 to 200 pounds; he wore a baseball cap. The other man had a dark complexion and appeared to be either Hispanic or Native American. Neither has been identified, but sketches of both of them are posted with this case summary.

Myers's family stated it was uncharacteristic of her to leave behind her dog and cat, who both died in the fire at her home. She also just finished paying off her car which was destroyed.

She enjoys riding motorcycles and playing card games, particularly poker. She was employed as a hairdresser at the Scandals salon at the time of her disappearance. Her credit cards, bank accounts and passport have not been used since her disappearance.

She was declared legally deceased in January 2007, although investigators are not certain if she is in fact deceased. Her estate was passed on to her only child. Myers's case remains unsolved.

Updated 6 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated January 20, 2014; picture added.