Douglas Charles Chapman
Douglas, circa 1971; Age-progression to age 48 (circa 2016)
- Missing Since 06/02/1971
- Missing From Alfred, Maine
- Classification Non-Family Abduction
- Sex Male
- Race White
- Date of Birth 02/05/1968 (57)
- Age 3 years old
- Height and Weight 3'0, 35 pounds
- Clothing/Jewelry Description A red and blue plaid shirt, blue or red pants, and loafers.
- Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Sandy brown hair, blue eyes. Douglas has a mole on his right shoulder. His nickname is Dougie.
Details of Disappearance
Douglas was last seen outside of his family's mobile home on Alfred Gore Road in Alfred, Maine at 10:30 a.m. on June 2, 1971. He was playing in a sand pile approximately 25 yards in front of his residence and his mother was inside talking on the telephone. When she went out to check on her son, he was gone.
Douglas has never been heard from again. The area around the home is rural, heavily wooded, brushy and swampy. An extensive search, involving hundreds of volunteers, turned up no indication of the child's whereabouts. Authorities originally believed he wandered away and became lost; however, this possibility is now deemed unlikely since he was never located.
Police tracker dogs traced Douglas's scent through a field, past an apple orchard onto a farm, and down the driveway to the main road. The scent apparently stopped there; Douglas's father, who was an auxiliary police officer in 1971, believes he may have been placed in a vehicle at that location. Douglas's dog did not bark when the child disappeared, something his mother finds unusual.
Douglas's case was reopened in 1993 at the request of his father. His parents are now divorced and his mother moved to New York after he went missing. Everyone in Douglas's family has been ruled out as a suspect in his case. His father believes Douglas was abducted and murdered by a sex offender who lived in the area; the person has since died. Douglas's case remains unsolved.
Investigating Agency
- Maine State Police 207-657-3030
Updated 9 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated July 13, 2018; two pictures added, details of disappearance updated.