Esmerelda C. Mora

Esmerelda, circa 2021

  • Missing Since 11/01/2021
  • Missing From Omak, Washington
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race Biracial, Hispanic, Native American
  • Date of Birth 04/22/2005 (19)
  • Age 16 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'2, 140 - 150 pounds
  • Medical Conditions Kit has unspecified mental health needs.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Biracial (Hispanic/Native American) female. Brown hair, brown eyes. Esmerelda identifies as a non-binary person and goes by the name Kit; although their legal name is Esmerelda Nelson-Mora, most agencies to refer to them as Kit Mora and they use they/them pronouns. Kit has a small scar under their left eye and moles on their face. They may also use the name Nylonna.

Details of Disappearance

Kit was reported missing from Omak, Washington on April 15, 2022. However, their family and friends stated they hadn't seen or heard from Kit for months before then.

Although they were adopted by a Yakima, Washington family at the age of four, in June 2021 they moved in with their biological mother and siblings in Omak. November was the last time Kit's loved ones heard from them, and also the last time they were active on social media. Kit's mother reported that Kit ran away in April 2022.

Due to Kit's age, non-binary gender identity, indigenous status and allegations of abuse within their home, their disappearance is considered suspicious. Kit's case remains unsolved.

Investigating Agency

  • Omak Police Department 509-826-0383

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated May 14, 2024; casefile added.