Fawn Marie Mountain

Mountain, circa 2012

  • Missing Since 11/20/2012
  • Missing From Claysburg, Pennsylvania
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 03/02/1987 (38)
  • Age 25 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'2, 105 pounds
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Brown hair, blue eyes. Mountain's ears and lip are pierced. She has a large tattoo on her back of an angel with wings and the words "RIP Kaydin", and a tattoo of the name "Braydin" on her neck. Mountain may dye her hair black or auburn. Her nickname is Bambie.

Details of Disappearance

Mountain was last seen on November 25, 2012. She lived with her partner, Heather Dibert, in a trailer on Binks Mill Court in Claysburg, Pennsylvania. A few days after Thanksgiving, they went to Dibert's parents' home and helped clean and sterilize their butcher shop.

Dibert's brother and his girlfriend lived in the same trailer park as Mountain and Dibert, so the four of them went home together. This is the last time Dibert's brother's girlfriend saw Mountain. She has never been heard from again.

The next morning, Dibert's brother's girlfriend saw Dibert smoking a cigarette outside and talking to her parents. She asked Dibert where Mountain was, and Dibert said that when she woke up to use the bathroom at 3:00 a.m., Mountain was gone and she hadn't seen her since. Mountain left behind all of her clothes as well as an urn containing her stillborn child's ashes; she normally took the urn everywhere with her.

Over the next several weeks, Dibert seemed very calm about her partner's absence, which was unusual since she was very possessive of Mountain and didn't like to go anywhere without her. Dibert's family completely remodeled the trailer starting a week after Mountain went missing, tearing up the flooring, and Dibert then moved to Ohio.

She returned to Pennsylvania several months later, along with a new girlfriend, whom she later married. She told people various stories about Mountain, saying that she was in prison in Ohio, or that she was in New York and working in the sex trade.

Dibert was controlling and abusive towards Mountain and had a history of domestic violence in other relationships. According to Mountain's mother, Dibert once tried to choke Mountain, and Mountain repeatedly went to the hospital to get treatment for injuries sustained at her partner's hands.

At the time of her disappearance, Mountain was not in contact with her own family. She had often fought with her mother but would always keep in touch with her loved ones, but then in 2011 she suddenly filed a restraining order against her mother. As a result, she wasn't reported missing for years. Her family believes Dibert was the reason Mountain broke off contact with them.

The last time Mountain saw her mother was in October 2012. Mountain got into a fight with her partner, Heather Dibert, and went to her mother's house, even though she still had a restraining order against her. This put Mountain's mother in violation of the order, and when Dibert found out Mountain had been at her house, she called the police and Mountain's mother spent a weekend in jail. She never saw her daughter again.

In April 2015, Mountain's family tried to contact her because her stepfather was dying in the hospital. They sent a family friend to Mountain's last known residence, her trailer on Binks Mill Court, but Dibert told the person she "took off" three years earlier.

At this time, Mountain's family reported her missing. They stated that in spite of her problems with them, they didn't think she would have permanently cut them out of her life.

Mountain had two children whom she no longer had custody of by the time of her disappearance. It's unclear whether Dibert is a suspect in her disappearance, which remains unsolved.

Updated 3 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated March 4, 2021; six pictures added, details of disappearance updated.