Florence Roberta Shoemaker

Florence, circa 2003

  • Missing Since 02/03/2003
  • Missing From Ravenna, Ohio
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Age 76 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'7, 155 pounds
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Brown hair, blue eyes. Florence's maiden name is Converse.

Details of Disappearance

Florence was last seen in Ravenna, Ohio on February 3, 2003. She has never been heard from again.

Her former husband, Melvin, had disappeared from his Parkman, Ohio home on April 11, 1994, at the age of 70, leaving behind his vehicles but taking his wallet and keys. He has never been found.

Melvin had had a poor relationship with the couple's son, Glenn Roger Shoemaker, prior to his disappearance. He had nearly been fired from his manufacturing job in 1978, after he missed work because his son and wife locked him in the house. He was tied up and chained in the basement multiple times that month. At one point he escaped, but Glenn caught up with him in the driveway, sprayed him in the face with mace, and threatened to kill him and hide his body where no one would ever find it.

Melvin and Florence divorced in 1978 and she lived with Glenn in Hiram Township, Ohio. There were reports that Melvin had abused her. Although Florence and Glenn were said to be close, he did not report her missing. Police did not realize she was missing until 2005, when they tried to reach her for help in the investigation in Melvin's case.

By the time of her disappearance, Florence's health was failing; she was unkempt and needed help getting around. She had worked as a home health aide and Glenn explained her absence by saying she was out of town taking care of a patient.

Several months after Melvin disappeared, police searched Glenn's home looking for evidence in his father's disappearance. They found eleven guns and a large amount of ammunition, but nothing indicating Melvin's whereabouts.

It's unclear whether the Shoemakers' cases are related, but in September 2018, police searched Glenn's farm on Winchell Road in Hiram Township looking for evidence in both cases. He had gotten most of his father's $700,000 in assets after Melvin disappeared, but when police searched his home in 2018 he was living with no running water, no electricity or telephone, and with dirt floors.

He has not been charged or named as a suspect in either of his parents' cases. Their disappearances remain unsolved.

Investigating Agency

  • Portage County Sheriff's Office 330-297-3407

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated September 9, 2018; casefile added.