Gary Oscar Brown
Brown, circa 2004
- Missing Since 12/02/2004
- Missing From Los Angeles, California
- Classification Missing
- Sex Male
- Race Black
- Date of Birth 01/26/1971 (54)
- Age 33 years old
- Height and Weight 5'9 - 6'2, 160 - 170 pounds
- Distinguishing Characteristics African-American male. Black hair, brown eyes. Brown's nicknames are G and G-Boy. His ears are pierced. He has the following tattoos: the name "Anthony" in letters an inch and a half tall on the inside of one of his forearms, the words "RIP Little G-Boy & Boo 2" in letters an inch and a half tall on the inside of one of his forearms, the words "West Blvd" in letters four inches tall across his chest, and the name "Brianna" in letters two inches tall on the outside of his left shoulder.
Details of Disappearance
Brown and a friend, Michael Johnson, were last seen together at a residence (belonging to either Brown or a relative of his; accounts differ) in the vicinity of the 2500 block of Buckingham Road in Los Angeles, California on December 2, 2004. Neither man has ever been heard from again. Few details are available in their cases.
Los Angeles police are investigating Brown's disappearance; Riverside County, California police are investigating Johnson's.
Investigating Agency
- Los Angeles Police Department
- 213-485-5381
- 213-485-2582
Source Information
Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated June 2, 2005.