Gary Richard Weaver

Weaver, circa 1983

  • Missing Since 12/09/1983
  • Missing From Nassau, Bahamas
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 04/09/1953 (71)
  • Age 30 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'11, 160 pounds
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Brown hair, brown eyes. Gray has a large scar on his right knee.

Details of Disappearance

Gray resided in Coral Springs, Florida at the time of his disappearance; he lived with his wife, Donna Weaver, and their two young children. In December 1983, he took a week-long business trip to the Bahamas. It was his third such trip. He never returned.

Gary last spoke to Donna on December 9; it was the day before their first wedding anniversary and he told Donna he would be returning to celebrate. She went to Fort Lauderdale/Hollywood International Airport on December 10 to pick him up, but he never arrived and has never been heard from again.

Gary was accompanied by Jairo Sanchez at the time of his disappearance. Sanchez vanished with him and has never been located.

During his stay in the Bahamas, Gary was living with Jeff Fisher. Donna spoke to Fisher to inquire why her husband had not returned home on schedule, and Fisher told her he had gotten delayed because of his work.

After several days without hearing from Gary, Donna contacted John Sims, an acquaintance of his, and Sims promised to find out what had happened to Gary. On December 16, he told Donna that Gary had been killed in a plane crash.

Donna later spoke to Fisher again, and this time he told her Gary had gone missing and the Coast Guard was searching for him. However, when Donna called the Coast Guard, they were unaware that Gary was missing and were not searching for him.

It was later determined that Gary was in fact on a suspected drug-smuggling plane on December 9, but there is no evidence that the aircraft crashed. About a year after Gary vanished, Sims went to see Donna again. She later stated that Sims was crying and incoherent and said "it wasn't right what they did to Gary." He gave her $1,000 in cash.

A few days later, the plane Sims was piloting disappeared without a trace, and he with it. Sims had a record for drug smuggling prior to his disappearance.

Investigators believe Gary was involved with illegal drug smuggling at the time of his disappearance. He was employed as a bulldozer operator for an excavation company and did not make very much money, and his employer, Randy Krugh, was a prolific drug pilot who flew loads of marijuana and cocaine for several smugglers.

rugh had several enemies in the Bahamas as a result of his activities and he stated that anyone connected with him could have been targeted for violence.

Authorities believe Gary and Sanchez were murdered on Andros Island in the Bahamas, possibly by being pushed out of the plane they were in. Gary is described as a devoted husband and father who would not have willingly abandoned his family.

No one has been charged in either man's case, however, and their remains have not been found. Weaver was declared legally dead sometime after his disappearance. Both Bahamian and Floridian authorities are investigating his case and Sanchez's.

Investigating Agency

  • Coral Springs Police Department 954-346-1295
  • Royal Bahamas Police Force 242-502-9991

Updated 3 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated February 10, 2006; two pictures added, details of disappearance updated.