Isadore Zeesman
Zeesman, circa 1982
- Missing Since 06/21/1982
- Missing From Plantation, Florida
- Classification Endangered Missing
- Sex Male
- Race White
- Date of Birth 01/19/1929 (96)
- Age 53 years old
- Height and Weight 5'11, 240 pounds
- Medical Conditions Zeesman has a heart condition and needs medication which he doesn't have with him.
- Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Gray hair, blue eyes. Zeesman's nickname is Izzy.
Details of Disappearance
Zessman was last seen driving away from his residence in the 9500 block of Sea Turtle Drive in Plantation, Florida on June 21, 1982. He has never been heard from again. Two days later, his car was found in the parking lot of a medical building in the 7800 block of west Oakland Park Boulevard in Lauderhill, Florida. Few details are available in his case.
Investigating Agency
- Plantation Police Department 954-797-2100
Source Information
Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated September 22, 2018; casefile added.