Jack Jerome Girou

Jack, circa 1975

  • Missing Since 06/11/1975
  • Missing From Clayton, Missouri
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 06/21/1926 (98)
  • Age 48 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'8, 170 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A suit coat, a white shirt, a tie, pants and dress shoes.
  • Associated Vehicle(s) Large green limousine or Cadillac
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Dark brown hair, brown eyes. Jack may reverse his first and middle names, as in "Jerome Jack."

Details of Disappearance

Jack is missing with his wife, Patricia. They were last seen in Clayton, Missouri on June 11, 1975. Their seventeen-year-old daughter, JoAnne, stated her parents left that morning to attend a funeral. Jack allegedly took a .38 caliber Smith and Wesson revolver with him.

Jack and Patricia entered an unidentified large green limousine or Cadillac, and never returned. Before he left, Jack promised to call JoAnne to give her a telephone number where they could be reached in case of emergency. Neither of them have ever been heard from again.

The Girous' son reported them missing on June 17. He went to their residence to celebrate for Father's Day with them, and no one was home. He'd been unable to reach them by telephone for the past several days. He found his parents' dog was in the backyard without food and water, and all of Jack and Patricia's belongings, including their vehicles, toothbrushes and two uncashed paychecks, were left behind. The garage and the windows were unlocked.

JoAnne stated she had an argument with her father the night before his disappearance; he disapproved of her boyfriends and her drug use and wanted her to move out the next day. She did pack her belongings on June 12 and went to stay with her sister. She would later move in with her brother in Minnesota.

All of the Girous' relatives took polygraph tests; JoAnne's was inconclusive, possibly due to her emotional state. She may have been under the influence of drugs on June 11, so her memory of that morning may not have been accurate. Authorities discovered a car matching JoAnne's description of the one her parents got into was on the street that morning, but it was there to pick up a neighbor.

Patricia has a degree from Webster College and taught mathematics in the Rockwood School District at the time of her disappearance. Jack worked as a tool-and-die maker. Both were considered reliable and it's uncharacteristic of them to miss work without calling in.

Prior to their disappearances, they'd purchased ten acres of land and planned to build their retirement home on the plot. The Girous have four children, and only JoAnne was living with them by the time they disappeared.

Foul play is suspected in Patricia and Jack's cases, which remain unsolved.

Investigating Agency

  • St. Louis County Police Department 314-615-8610

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated December 12, 2011; casefile added.