Jacsun Six Manson

Jacsun, circa 2018; Adam Manson; Kianna Williams

  • Missing Since 11/15/2018
  • Missing From Culver City, California
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race Black
  • Date of Birth 07/16/2018 (6)
  • Age 3 months old
  • Height and Weight 1'6, 20 pounds
  • Associated Vehicle(s) PT Cruiser (accounted for)
  • Distinguishing Characteristics African-American male. Black hair, brown eyes.

Details of Disappearance

Jacsun disappeared from Culver City, California on November 15, 2018. At that time, he was living with his parents, Kianna Williams and Adam Manson (also known as Adam Jackson) at Upward Bound House, a shelter for families experiencing homelessness.

A housing manager at Upward Bound contacted the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), concerned about the conditions in which Jacsun was living. She said there was trash, rotting food and drug paraphernalia scattered throughout the family's housing unit, as well as ashes and cigarette butts on the floor near the baby's bouncer.

When Jacsun's parents found out about the call to DCFS, they took him and fled the shelter, afraid their baby would be taken from them. Photos of the couple are posted with this case summary.

On January 3, 2019, Jacsun's parents were found in a stolen vehicle and arrested on suspicion of auto theft. Jacsun wasn't with them at the time. On January 25, unable to locate the baby and with his parents giving inconsistent explanations as to his whereabouts, DCFS reported Jacsun missing.

In February 2019, Adam and Kianna were charged with child abuse resulting in death in their son's case. Authorities believe he died on December 31, 2018, six weeks after he and his parents moved out of the family shelter, and three days before the parents were found in the stolen vehicle and arrested.

On that date, according to Kianna's statements to police, she and Adam were using methamphetamine at a motel in south Los Angeles, California and passed out. When they woke up, Jacsun was unresponsive and they realized he was dead. They tried CPR without success, then wrapped his body in a blanket and a trash bag, put it in a suitcase and threw it in a dumpster behind a Sears store at the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw mall.

A cadaver dog detected the scent of human remains on a bed in the motel room and in the back of a PT Cruiser driven by the couple, which is consistent with Kianna's statement. Investigators believe Jacsun's remains are in the 1300-acre El Sobrante Landfill in Corona, California, but at least three searches have turned up no sign of it.

Adam and Kianna are awaiting trial for child abuse resulting in death. They face a maximum sentence of ten years in prison each if convicted. Jacsun's body has never been found and authorities don't expect it to be, but foul play is suspected in his case due to the circumstances involved.

Investigating Agency

  • Culver City Police Department 310-253-6208

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated November 24, 2019; casefile added.