Janice K. Potts

Potts, circa 1981

  • Missing Since 08/28/1981
  • Missing From Harrison, Arkansas
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Age 40 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'7, 110 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A dress.
  • Medical Conditions Potts was four months pregnant at the time of her disappearance.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Black hair, brown eyes.

Details of Disappearance

Potts was last seen in Harrison, Arkansas on August 28, 1981. She was divorced, worked the night shift and lived with her three sons. Her middle son, age eighteen, had left a pair of football pants at home for his mother to sew knee pads in. Her son came home at noon and saw that his pants were ready and his mother was in bed. He took the pants and returned to school.

After school, Potts's son returned home and his mother was gone. The house was unlocked, the utility light was turned on, there were beans simmering in the slow cooker, and the clothes iron was sitting out and turned on.

There was a note out that Potts had left on the ironing board for her youngest son. The note said she had gone to a department store, that the beans were ready, and that she should be home when he got home from school.

Potts's son went to a football game a short time later. When he was driving through town after the game that night, his older brother flagged him down and said Potts hadn't shown up for work. They began looking for her and didn't find her, but they did find her car in the mall parking lot. Her purse and the sweater she normally wore were inside the car, but her keys and pocketbook were missing.

Potts has never been heard from again. She was a member of a Pentecostal church at the time of her disappearance. Her case remains unsolved.

Investigating Agency

  • Harrison Police Department 870-741-5463

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated June 9, 2019; casefile added.