Jarrod Devlin Green

Green, circa 1994; Brandon Wheeler, circa 2017

  • Missing Since 09/30/1994
  • Missing From Searcy, Arkansas
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 05/07/1974 (50)
  • Age 20 years old
  • Height and Weight 6'0, 140 - 150 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A pale green short-sleeved sweater over a light-colored shirt, baggy tan khaki pants, white socks and Birkenstock or Nike sandals.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Brown hair, blue/green eyes. Green has a scar on his left hand between his index and middle fingers, a tattoo on his abdomen, and a tattoo of the Tasmanian Devil cartoon character with the initials "SH" on his right shoulder blade. He has a bump on his nose from a prior fracture.

Details of Disappearance

Green received a phone call at his residence in Searcy, Arkansas on September 30, 1994. He agreed to meet a friend, Brandon L. Wheeler, at the Searcy Country Club and left his house. Green had previously stated he owed Wheeler money for drugs and had no intention of paying the debt, as Wheeler had previously stolen from him. He has never been heard from again.

His vehicle was discovered abandoned in the Walmart parking lot in Searcy on October 3, 1994, three days after Green was last seen. The car's windows were open and Green's car keys were located on the floor underneath the driver's seat. There was no sign of him at the scene. He was reported missing on October 5.

In September 1995, a witness named Charles Langley told police that sometime in late 1994, Wheeler and Wheeler's roommate, Jason Webb, asked him if they wanted to help "get rid of someone" in exchange for $1,000. They explained they wanted to have Green killed because he owed them $7,500.

Langley stated he declined to participate in the murder. Sometime later that year, in December, Wheeler and Webb went to the witness's house again and said that Green was "no longer a problem" and had been "taken out of the picture" after they "grabbed him" at a Walmart store. Langley stated that Webb and Wheeler were talking about how to dispose of Green's body, but Langley told them he wanted nothing to do with it.

Authorities believed Webb and Wheeler had killed Green, though they didn't have the evidence to file charges at the time. In 2000, however, Langley was re-interviewed and recanted his previous statement.

He said he didn't know Wheeler and Webb at the time of Green's disappearance and that what he'd said about the alleged murder was just "stuff that was being spread around the drug community." He stated he had made up the story because he was facing a prison sentence and thought his statement might help him. In 2016, when police were re-investigating Green's case, they spoke to Langley again and he again recanted his 1995 statement.

In May 2017, nearly twenty-three years after Green disappeared, Wheeler was charged with capital murder and abuse of a corpse in his case. A photo of him is posted with this case summary.

Investigators said they believe he killed Green over the drug debt. According to witnesses, Green was afraid of Wheeler, and on the night of his disappearance he had asked a friend to return a .38 Rossi revolver he'd lent him because he needed it for protection from Wheeler.

The murder case was dropped in November 2017, however. The prosecution stated they needed additional evidence and they hoped they could refile the charge in the future.

Green graduated Searcy High School in 1993. Foul play is suspected in his case due to the circumstances involved.

Updated 8 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated July 10, 2022; picture added.