Jean Marie Moore

Moore, circa 1992; Al Henderson, circa 1992

  • Missing Since 04/09/1992
  • Missing From San Bernardino County, California
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 07/23/1932 (92)
  • Age 59 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'2, 125 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description White pants.
  • Associated Vehicle(s) 1987 Cadillac
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Brown hair, brown eyes. Moore has a scar on her abdomen, and her ears are pierced. Her maiden name is Traxler.

Details of Disappearance

Moore was last seen in San Bernardino County, California on April 9, 1992. Her longtime companion and fiance, Al Henderson, said they went to the casinos in Laughlin, Nevada that night.

According to Henderson, they had been in Laughlin for three days and had planned to leave on April 9, but the day before stated Moore had won $600 at a slot machine in the Flamingo Hilton casino, and she wanted to try her luck again at the same machine, so they extended their stay.

Henderson preferred to gamble at the Colorado Belle nearby, where he had complimentary rooms and meals. After leaving his 1987 Cadillac in valet parking, he went into the Hilton to try to find Moore, but couldn't locate her. He went to the Colorado Belle and played blackjack for awhile, then went to the Hilton to look for Moore again and still couldn't find her.

She has never been heard from again. Moore's image wasn't seen on the Hilton casino's surveillance videotapes on April 9, however, and the tapes showed Henderson alone in the valet parking area.

Furthermore, a witness saw both Moore and Henderson were seen at a gas station in Apple Valley, California, Moore's hometown, at 5:45 p.m. on April 8, the day she is supposed to have won $600 at the Flamingo Hilton in Laughlin. Moore told the witness she and Henderson were going to Laughlin, which is 150 miles from Apple Valley.

Records at the Colorado Belle show Henderson checked in to the hotel at 1:00 p.m. on April 6, three days before Moore's disappearance, and booked rooms for the next three nights, with a departure on April 9. Hotel records show two meals were delivered to Henderson's room on April 6, one on April 7, one on April 8, and none on April 9. Investigators are not sure Moore ever arrived in Laughlin, and think she may have met with foul play in either California or Nevada.

After Moore's disappearance, tissues that appeared to be bloodstained were found on the floor in Henderson's motor home. He has long been considered a suspect in Moore's disappearance, but he died in 2001 without having ever been charged in her case. A photo of him is posted with this case summary.

Moore is Apple Valley's former honorary mayor. Las Vegas, Nevada police are investigating her case, which remains unsolved.

Updated 4 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated July 20, 2020; two pictures added, distinguishing characteristics and details of disappearance updated.