Jesse Jerome Leopold

Leopold, circa 2016; Leopold's truck

  • Missing Since 10/13/2016
  • Missing From Jewell, Iowa
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 03/01/1993 (32)
  • Age 23 years old
  • Height and Weight 6'1, 185 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A blue shirt, blue jeans and no shoes.
  • Medical Conditions Leopold suffers from bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety and needs medication to control his conditions. He has a history of suicide attempts.
  • Associated Vehicle(s) Purple Ford F-150 pickup truck with Iowa license plates (accounted for)
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Brown hair, hazel eyes.

Details of Disappearance

Leopold was last seen in Jewell, Iowa on October 13, 2016. He was working his shift at W&G Marketing, a meat processing plant, when he left at 6:30 p.m. before his lunch break, telling his supervisor he needed to go get his medication. He never returned to work and has never been heard from again. He left behind his street shoes, wallet, sunglasses and cigarettes.

On October 16, Leopold's truck was found on Canyon Road in Ledges State Park. It was unlocked, with the keys in the ignition. Jesse's work boots were in the back of the truck and his work smock was draped over the steering wheel.

A photo of the truck is posted with this case summary; it's a purple Ford F-150 with Iowa license plates. It's uncharacteristic of Leopold to leave his truck like that; he always locked it. Nevertheless, authorities think he probably did leave it there. The truck had been there since at least October 15; it was issued a parking warning that day.

In the years prior to his disappearance, Leopold had been to the hospital emergency room several times, and blood tests showed he was taking drugs other than those prescribed to him. His father believes he may have been self-medicating with drugs he bought on the street, and that he may have taken LSD earlier on the day of his disappearance.

Leopold's family believes a mental breakdown may have caused his disappearance, but there have also been rumors of foul play and possible drug involvement in his case. There has been no activity on his cellular phone or bank account since his disappearance. His family believes he's no longer alive. His case remains unsolved.

Updated 3 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated November 7, 2023; medical conditions and details of disappearance updated.