Jillian Elizabeth Henderson-Ortiz
Henderson-Ortiz, circa 2006
- Missing Since 01/16/2006
- Missing From Moriarty, New Mexico
- Classification Missing
- Sex Female
- Race White
- Date of Birth 02/02/1986 (39)
- Age 19 years old
- Height and Weight 5'0, 110 - 120 pounds
- Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Henderson-Ortiz may use the last names Henderson or Ortiz, together or separately. She has a scar on her forearm and a tattoo of a man's name in writing on her lower back. Her ears are pierced one time each.
Details of Disappearance
Henderson-Ortiz was last known to be in Moriarty, New Mexico in early 2006. Her mother spoke to her on the phone on January 16, and Henderson-Ortiz said she was going to California to visit her brother. She has never been heard from again. The police would not accept a missing persons report for a year.
Few details are available in Henderson-Ortiz's case. She hasn't applied for a new driver's license or identification card since before her disappearance. Albuquerque, New Mexico are assisting the investigation.
Investigating Agency
- Moriarty Police Department 505-832-6060
- Albuquerque Police Department 505-924-6093
Source Information
Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated November 14, 2018; picture added.