John Arthur Key

Key, circa 2017

  • Missing Since 07/02/2017
  • Missing From Bonner County, Idaho
  • Classification Lost/Injured Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 06/21/1950 (74)
  • Age 67 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'8, 230 pounds
  • Associated Vehicle(s) Sailboat (accounted for)
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. White hair, blue eyes.

Details of Disappearance

Key was last seen out on Lake Pend Oreille in Bonner County, Idaho on July 2, 2017. He had been boating with friends during the day and left to sail back to Bayview, Idaho, but never arrived there. His boat was later found floating in the Cape Horn area of the lake, in the 1,100 feet of water, empty.

An extensive search turned up no sign of Key, but he is presumed to have drowned. He is from Newman Lake, Washington.

Investigating Agency

  • Bonner County Sheriff's Office 208-263-8417

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated July 2, 2018; casefile added.