Jon’al Pierre White

White, circa 2023

  • Missing Since 06/01/2023
  • Missing From Grambling, Louisiana
  • Classification Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race Black
  • Date of Birth 10/16/1990 (34)
  • Age 32 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'11, 300 pounds
  • Distinguishing Characteristics African-American male. Black hair, brown eyes.

Details of Disappearance

White was last seen boarding a Greyhound bus in Grambling, Louisiana, bound for Houston, Texas, on June 1, 2023. He was moving there for job opportunities, even though he had no family there. This was the last time he saw his family. He didn't have a phone, but kept in touch with them over Facebook Messenger.

All communication between White and his family stopped in mid-July, about six weeks after his move. They never heard from him again. A few months later there was some activity on White's bank account in Missouri City, Texas, but then the account was overdrafted and closed.

Prior to his move to Texas, White had completed his bachelor's degree and worked as football coach; he had played football in high school and college. The circumstances of his disappearance are unclear.

Investigating Agency

  • Lincoln Parish Sheriff's Office 318-251-6418

Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated December 4, 2024; picture added, details of disappearance updated.