Joseph Edward Cripps

Cripps, circa 2016

  • Missing Since 10/19/2016
  • Missing From Little Rock, Arkansas
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 01/05/1965 (60)
  • Age 51 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'7 - 5'10, 165 - 185 pounds
  • Medical Conditions Cripps takes medication for high blood pressure; the medicine was left behind in his apartment.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Graying brown hair, blue eyes. Cripps's nickname is Joe. He normally has a large, thick mustache and he may have a beard.

Details of Disappearance

Cripps was last seen in Little Rock, Arkansas on October 19, 2016. He went to the White Water Tavern that day, was refused service and asked someone to call him a cab. It's unclear whether he took a vehicle home or decided to walk; he lived only a mile away. He had just gotten paid and may have been carrying a significant amount of cash.

Crips is a musician and was supposed to play a gig on October 21, but he never showed up and has never been heard from again. He left his medication behind at his apartment, as well as his drumsticks and mallets, which he wouldn't have traveled without. His car was in the repair shop when he disappeared.

Between 1993 and 1997, Cripps was the percussionist for Brave Combo, a Grammy-award-winning polka band based in Denton, Texas; he still played with the band occasionally. He was well-known in the music scene in Arkansas and Texas. His case remains unsolved.

Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated November 25, 2017; date of birth added.