Kathryn Elizabeth Collins

Collins, circa 1981

  • Missing Since 04/01/1981
  • Missing From Port Lavaca, Texas
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 07/17/1951 (73)
  • Age 29 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'5, 125 pounds
  • Associated Vehicle(s) Light-colored van
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Brown hair, brown eyes. Collins has a small scar on her upper lip. She has two surgical scars from hernia operations. Her nickname is Kathie. She may use the last name Troth, or the maiden name, O'Bryant.

Details of Disappearance

Collins was last seen in Port Lavaca, Texas at 8:45 a.m. on April 1, 1981. She left her three-year-old son with her boyfriend's parents and went to Port Lavaca to go grocery shopping and see a doctor. Her car developed a flat tire and she pulled over in front of the former Shell Fish Restaurant, just off the causeway.

A light-colored van was seen nearby, and Collins was last seen with the van's driver, apparently getting ready to change her tire. She has never been heard from again and her car was later found abandoned, its tire still flat.

There is some speculation that Collins's disappearance is connected to the disappearance of Wanda "Wendy" Priddy, who went missing from Port Lavaca in 1978 and was never found. Police questioned a man who knew both women, but there was no evidence to link him to either case, and he died in 1991.

Collins moved from Blessing to Lolita, Texas about a month prior to her disappearance. She was carrying a substantial amount of cash on her the day she went missing. Foul play is suspected in her case, which remains unsolved.

Investigating Agency

  • Grimes County District Attorney's Office 936-940-4817

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated February 9, 2019; distinguishing characteristics and details of disappearance updated.