Kelly Vaughn Buckner

Buckner, circa 1999

  • Missing Since 02/26/1999
  • Missing From East Palo Alto, California
  • Classification Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race Black
  • Date of Birth 07/25/1964 (60)
  • Age 34 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'9, 286 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A blue and yellow sweatsuit, a gold diamond ring and a black onyx ring.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics African-American male. Black hair, brown eyes. Buckner may have a full beard. He has gaps between his teeth. Buckner has a musical note tattooed on his left hand.

Details of Disappearance

Buckner was last seen in East Palo Alto, California on February 26, 1999. He has never been heard from again. Few details are available in his case.

Investigating Agency

  • East Palo Alto Police Department 650-321-1112

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