Kenneth Douglas Roberts Sr.
Roberts, circa 2012
- Missing Since 04/09/2012
- Missing From Columbus, Ohio
- Classification Endangered Missing
- Sex Male
- Race Black
- Date of Birth 11/17/1950 (73)
- Age 61 years old
- Height and Weight 5'10, 170 pounds
- Clothing/Jewelry Description A navy blue coat, a red and gray polo shirt, navy blue Dockers pants, gray sneakers and a dark-colored baseball cap.
- Medical Conditions Roberts suffers from Parkinson's Disease and high blood pressure, and he was in the early stages of dementia at the time of his disappearance. He requires daily medication which he doesn't have with him.
- Distinguishing Characteristics African-American male. Gray hair, brown eyes. Roberts has a mustache. His nickname is Kenny.
Details of Disappearance
Roberts was last seen on foot near his home in the 2800 block of Ravenswood Court in Columbus, Ohio at 6:00 p.m. on April 9, 2012. He left home to visit a friend, but his friend wasn't home. A neighbor saw him walking on Elim Estates Drive not long afterward. He has never been heard from again.
Roberts uses public transportation to get around. There hasn't been any activity on his bank account since he was last seen. He has wandered away from home before, but never for longer than a few hours. Few details are available in his case.
Investigating Agency
- Columbus Police Department 614-645-4545
Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated May 20, 2013; casefile added.