Kenneth Warren Hager

Kenneth, circa 1947

  • Missing Since 04/09/1947
  • Missing From Baltimore, Maryland
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 05/23/1935 (89)
  • Age 11 years old
  • Height and Weight 4'10, 90 - 100 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A blue/gray overcoat with Kenneth's name and address sewn into it, a brown sweater with green figures on it, a white shirt with "Kenneth" printed on it, brown trousers, gray or brown sneakers and a navy blue and red skullcap.
  • Medical Conditions Kenneth is mentally disabled and has severe epilepsy. He is unable to talk or take care of himself, and would not have been able to tell anyone his name, which is why his mother sewed his name on all his clothes.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Brown hair, brown eyes. Kenneth has a scar on his head. One of his front teeth is missing.

Details of Disappearance

Kenneth was last seen near his residence in the 1600 block of Lansing Avenue in Baltimore, Maryland on April 9, 1947 at 10:00 a.m. He asked for a piece of ice from his mother, then went outside to play. His family realized he was missing about forty-five minutes later.

That afternoon, Kenneth may have been sighted by a streetcar operator at the corner of Dundalk and Eastern Avenues. There were several possible sightings of him in the area shortly after his disappearance, but none were confirmed and Kenneth has never been heard from again.

Kenneth disappeared once before, about two years earlier, and was found by police in downtown Baltimore. He had burn marks on his arm and said a "bad boy" had done it to him.

Before moving to their Lansing Avenue residence in February 1947, the Hager family lived in the 2100 block of east Chase Street. Kenneth knew how to get there and had once wandered away and gone back to his old neighborhood. He likes to ride in cars but his family stated he would not get into one unless he was asked.

A distant relative of the Hager family thought she saw Kenneth at a Dundalk, Maryland grocery store in 1962. This sighting was not confirmed and the man at the store has never been identified. Kenneth's case remains unsolved.

Investigating Agency

  • Baltimore City Police
  • 443-984-7385
  • 410-396-2359

Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated August 17, 2020; clothing/jewelry description updated.