Laura Lee Asynithe Flink

Flink, circa 1969

  • Missing Since 02/21/1969
  • Missing From Aberdeen, Washington
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 05/15/1947 (77)
  • Age 21 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'2, 115 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A gold corduroy jacket, a green sweatshirt, green stretch pants and moccasins.
  • Medical Conditions Flink may have been two to three months pregnant at the time of her disappearance.
  • Associated Vehicle(s) Red 1967 Ford Ranchero with the Washington license plate number U23307 (accounted for)
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Flink has a gap between her upper front teeth. She may use the last names Lewis and/or Bondurant. Her nickname is Sam.

Details of Disappearance

Flink was last seen in Aberdeen, Washington, at approximately 4:00 p.m. on February 21, 1969. She wanted to get some children's clothes and a new couch, and Barb Askea, a woman in Moclips, Washington, offered to give clothes and a couch to her, but only if she came to pick them up that same day.

Flink agreed and left home driving her roommate's red 1967 Ford Ranchero with the Washington license plate number U23307 on County Road 101 towards Moclips. She never returned home and has never been heard from again.

Her brown leather wallet was found on a sidewalk in Hoquiam, Washington on February 23, and mailed to her post office box in Aberdeen, but she never picked it up. The car she was driving was found outside a tavern in the 700 block of J Street in Hoquiam on February 24.

Flink knew Askea from before. Her ex-husband had wanted the Askea family to adopt the toddler son he and Flink had together, as he thought Flink was too young and too unprepared to be a mother. The child spent extended time periods with the Askeas while Flink worked long hours. Eventually, just before her disappearance, Flink got full custody of her son.

During the custody battle between her and the Askea family, Flink had altercations with Barb at least twice. Flink's roommate knew of her history with Askea and advised her not to go to Moclips alone, but he couldn't come with her and neither could two friends she asked, so she decided to go by herself.

For years, Askea claimed Flink had never arrived in Moclips. In 2006, however, when re-interviewed by police over the phone while she was living in Georgia, she admitted Flink had actually come to pick up the couch and clothes, and said she and Flink went to the Moclips Tavern for drinks afterwards. Askea was in poor health at the time of the interview and said she felt too unwell to speak further.

Following the phone interview, a detective flew to Georgia to confront Askea and ask her to disclose where Flink's remains were. He promised that there would be no prosecution if she confessed. Askea replied, "I can’t help you with that." She died in 2008 without ever admitting to any involvement in Flink's disappearance.

Flink worked as a waitress in 1969 at the Blue Beacon at the time of her disappearance, and had no other source of income. After she went missing, her son was raised by his parents, and didn't find out his mother was a missing person until he was in his teens.

He still hopes for closure in his mother's disappearance. Police think Flink was murdered and that Askea was responsible, but don't believe she acted alone. Flink's case remains unsolved.

Investigating Agency

  • Aberdeen Police Department 360-538-4457

Updated 3 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated May 5, 2019; details of disappearance updated.