Linda Sue Endorf

Linda, circa 1976

  • Missing Since 12/08/1976
  • Missing From Tukwila, Washington
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 02/12/1945 (80)
  • Age 31 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'7, 120 pounds
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Brown hair, brown eyes. Linda has a burn scar on her right shoulder.

Details of Disappearance

Linda was last seen on December 8, 1976, after she finished her shift at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and left for home at 10:30 p.m. She worked as a ticket agent for Western Airlines.

She was supposed to report back to work on December 15, but never did and has never been heard from again. On December 17, more than a week after she was last seen, her husband James reported her missing.

Linda left behind a thirteen-year-old daughter. She and James had married in 1963. Two months after she was reported missing, James filed for divorce. The divorce was finalized in 1978 and he got almost all their property and assets, as well as custody of their daughter.

As far as authorities could determine, Linda never used her Social Security number, never had contact with law enforcement or any other government agencies, and was never seen by anyone after December 1976.

In January 1993, James's second wife, Debra Ann Endorf, went missing. A day later, her body was found in the trunk of her car in Tacoma. She'd been strangled with a bungee cord and had a fractured skull.

James hired an attorney and refused to cooperate with the investigation into Debra's murder, even in its early stages. A month after her death, he died by suicide, gassing himself in his truck. He left a note, which didn't confess to involvement in either Linda's disappearance or Debra's murder.

The police closed the homicide investigation after James took his life, stating he had been their prime suspect and they had planned to file murder charges against him. Debra had told others she mistrusted her husband and feared he would kill her. Authorities found bloodstains on the garage door in the couple's home; they believe she was attacked there.

The investigation into Linda's disappearance was renewed after Debra's murder, but authorities couldn't find any additional evidence in her case. Her case remains unsolved and she is considered to be missing under suspicious circumstances.

Investigating Agency

  • King County Sheriff's Office 206-205-3432

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated April 22, 2012; casefile added.