Lisa Lynn Stone

Stone, circa 2010

  • Missing Since 06/04/2010
  • Missing From Dallas, Texas
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race White
  • Date of Birth 09/03/1958 (66)
  • Age 51 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'7, 130 pounds
  • Medical Conditions Stone has suffered from depression and anxiety in the past, and was taking psychotropic medication at the time of her disappearance.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Brown hair, brown eyes. Stone dyes her hair blonde. Her ears are pierced.

Details of Disappearance

Stone was last seen by a neighbor in her hometown of Dallas, Texas on June 4, 2010. That same neighbor reported her missing on June 20, after Stone missed a dinner meeting, didn't pick up a friend at the airport as promised, which is uncharacteristic of her behavior.

Before June 4, she had posted long, detailed daily updates on her Facebook page, but after that date her posts cut off for a few days and then, when they started again, were very short and vague in tone.

A police officer went to Stone's home in the 3300 block of Truxillo Drive, which she shared with Sherry Henry, her girlfriend of more than fifteen years. Henry said nothing was wrong and it wasn't unusual for Stone to drop out of sight.

Five days later, the police closed the investigation, because they could find no evidence that Stone was in danger or that a crime had occurred. Stone's friends were still concerned about her and persisted in trying to find her. They repeatedly called Stone's home and asked to speak to her, but Henry always said she wasn't available.

On June 29, one of Stone's friends asked the police to check on her welfare. She thought Stone might have had an episode of depression and was unable to leave the house. When investigators returned to Stone and Henry's home, they found the couple's two dogs and 26 cats living in filthy conditions, flea-infested and covered with feces. There was no sign of Stone, and Henry stated she had gone to a funeral.

Animal control officials seized all the animals. Stone's friends stated she was a great animal lover and had so many animals because she kept rescuing them off the streets. They said she took good care of them and it would be completely out of character for her to abandon them or neglect them and allow them to get into the state they were in. Her friends asked the police to re-open the case, but authorities said they didn't have enough evidence.

Early on the morning of July 2, one of Stone's friends witnessed Henry drive Stone's Cadillac to a Dumpster behind a nearby store and throw away several full trash bags. Her friend checked the Dumpster and found many of Stone's most cherished belongings, including family photos, birth certificates, jewelry and family heirlooms.

Stone's friends went to the police with this information and persuaded them to re-open the investigation. Authorities obtained a warrant to search Stone and Henry's residence for evidence of foul play. The results have not been released.

Henry no longer lives in Stone's home and her current whereabouts are unknown. Investigators haven't named her as a suspect in Stone's disappearance, although they did note she was uncooperative when questioned.

Stone is a 1977 graduate of Mesquite High School. She worked for Texas Instruments and also worked in the advertisting department of the Dallas Morning News from 1991 through 2005. Her friends stated she was having financial problems at the time of her disappearance, but they don't believe she would have simply walked out of her life. The circumstances of her disappearance are unclear.

Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated January 22, 2011; casefile added.