Lora Lyann Stubbs

Stubbs, circa 1996

  • Missing Since 06/09/1996
  • Missing From Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race Biracial, Black, White
  • Date of Birth 01/15/1971 (54)
  • Age 25 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'4, 130 pounds
  • Medical Conditions Stubbs has a history of drug abuse. She'd gone into recovery and was clean at the time of her disappearance, however.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Biracial (African-American/Caucasian) female. Brown hair, brown eyes. Stubbs has a small rose tattoo above her left breast and a scar on the inside of her left eyebrow. Her teeth are straight and she has several fillings in her back molars. Some accounts spell her middle name "Lynn."

Details of Disappearance

Stubbs resided in the 1300 block of Brewster Avenue in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1996. She was last seen near the corner of Gilbert Avenue and McMillan Street. She called her parents in Hamilton, Ohio and told them she felt sick and wanted to stay with them.

She said she was going to get something eat and then would return to the apartment she shared with her boyfriend, and asked her parents to pick her up. When her parents came to get her, she was gone.

Stubbs has never been heard from again. She left her young son behind; she had voluntarily surrendered custody of him to her mother prior to her disappearance. Since she was last seen she hasn't used her Social Security number. Authorities stated that there are few clues in her case.

Some agencies may list September 9, 1997 as the date of Stubbs's disappearance.

Investigating Agency

  • Cincinnati Police Department
  • 513-352-3536
  • 513-352-3542

Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated July 10, 2017; picture and medical conditions added, details of disappearance updated.