Manuel Jose Ordonez

Ordonez, circa 1982

  • Missing Since 11/06/1982
  • Missing From Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Classification Missing
  • Sex Male
  • Race Hispanic
  • Date of Birth 07/23/1945 (79)
  • Age 45 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'8, 165 pounds
  • Clothing/Jewelry Description A tan hooded jacket and a gold chain with a cross pendant.
  • Associated Vehicle(s) Red 1976 Toyota pickup truck with a white cover on the bed and the Wisconsin license plate number 628684. Has an attached white camper with the Wisconsin license plate number FR 4074.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics Hispanic male. Black hair, brown eyes. Ordonez has a mustache.

Details of Disappearance

Ordonez was last seen in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on November 6, 1982. He has never been heard from again. He may be driving a red 1976 Toyota pickup truck with a white cover on the bed and the Wisconsin license plate number 628684. The truck has an attached white camper with the Wisconsin license plate number FR 4074. Few details are available in Ordonez's case.

Investigating Agency

  • Milwaukee Police Department 414-935-7403

Source Information

Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated February 25, 2014; date of birth added.