Marialice Clark

Marialice, circa 1972

  • Missing Since 08/01/1972
  • Missing From Omaha, Nebraska
  • Classification Endangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • Race Black
  • Date of Birth 05/17/1958 (66)
  • Age 14 years old
  • Height and Weight 5'2, 130 pounds
  • Associated Vehicle(s) A car with Chicago, Illinois license plates
  • Distinguishing Characteristics African-American female. Black hair, brown eyes. Marialice may spell her name "Mary Alice" or "Mary Ellis." She has a birthmark on her right hip and a scar or birthmark on the back left side of her head.

Details of Disappearance

Marialice was last seen near the Bali-Hi Lounge in Omaha, Nebraska on August 1, 1972. She got into a car with license plates from Chicago, Illinois and has never been heard from again. Her mother initially believed she'd simply run away from home and would return within a few weeks. When she didn't, her family reported her missing on September 27.

Two years prior to her disappearance, Marialice's name was listed on a federal search warrant as an informant. Twelve years old at the time, she had reportedly told the authorities that dynamite and machine guns were hidden in the headquarters of an Omaha group called the National Committee to Combat Fascism, which was an offshoot of the Black Panther Party. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) had gotten a warrant to search the building, but the search never happened.

In August 1970, someone lured police to an abandoned Omaha building where a suitcase full of dynamite exploded, killing one police officer and injuring another one. David Rice and Ed Poindexter, two leaders of the National Committee to Combat Fascism, were charged with the officer's murder, convicted and sentenced to life in prison.

Rice died in prison in 2016; Poindexter remains incarcerated, even though the Nebraska Parole Board voted unanimously in favor of both men's release. They maintained their innocence over the years and stated they believed they were framed by a conspiracy involving multiple government agencies.

It's unclear whether Marialice's alleged role as a police informant was a factor in her later disappearance, but her family believes the ATF lied about her giving them information and placed her in danger by naming her in the warrant.

Marialice's older sister had dated Poindexter and Marialice might have been able to visit the Black Panther headquarters because of that relationship. However, the information she allegedly provided the ATF was very detailed and specific, and her loved ones don't believe she knew enough about guns and explosives to provide such specific information.

Although Marialice's mother has died, she has other relatives who are still looking for answers in her case. Her disappearance remains unsolved.

Investigating Agency

  • Omaha Police Department 402-444-4127

Updated 3 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated December 1, 2021; details of disappearance updated.