Martha Lavonne Evans
Evans, circa 1990
- Missing Since 02/10/1990
- Missing From Astoria, Oregon
- Classification Endangered Missing
- Sex Female
- Race White
- Age 33 years old
- Height and Weight 5'3 - 5'4, 110 pounds
- Clothing/Jewelry Description A strapless, backless maroon and black silk and lace dress, a short black leather jacket, black nylon stockings, black heels, and twisted gold hoop earrings.
- Associated Vehicle(s) Borrowed brown 1984 Ford Ranger pickup truck with numerous dents, a 7-Up sticker in the window, and the Oregon license plate number PNB116
- Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian female. Dark brown hair, brown eyes. Evans has an appendectomy scar and a hysterectomy scar on her abdomen. Her ears are pierced one time each in the lobe. She has a tattoo on the back of her left shoulder of seven roses and a banner saying "Daddy", a tattoo on the outside of her right ankle of a dragon with a banner saying "Penny", and a tattoo of a tiger on her abdomen. The tiger tattoo covers her appendectomy scar and its claws touch the hysterectomy scar. Evans's maiden name is Benthin. Her nickname is Marty.
Details of Disappearance
Evans attended a wedding reception at High Climber Room lounge in Knappa, Oregon on February 10, 1990. She had served as a bridesmaid in a friend's wedding that day, and after the ceremony the wedding party went to the lounge.
Evans locked her purse inside the trunk of the bride's car and spent a short time inside the lounge before she told her friends she had to make a quick trip to Warrenton, Oregon to pick something up, and would be back in an hour. She left at 9:30 p.m. without taking her purse, and never returned. Later she was sighted getting gas at a station outside Astoria, Oregon. She was talking on the phone at the time, and was upset and crying.
Evans's vehicle, a borrowed brown 1984 Ford Ranger pickup truck with numerous dents, a 7-Up sticker in the window, and the Oregon license plate number PNB116, disappeared with her and has never been found. Her case remains unsolved.
Investigating Agency
- Oregon State Police 503-325-5515
Updated 3 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated February 13, 2021; picture added, distinguishing characteristics and details of disappearance updated.