Michael William Desmet
Desmet, circa 2005; Joseph Wilma
- Missing Since 08/26/2005
- Missing From Covelo, California
- Classification Endangered Missing
- Sex Male
- Race White
- Date of Birth 11/12/1971 (52)
- Age 35 years old
- Height and Weight 6'1, 200 pounds
- Associated Vehicle(s) Maroon 1998 Toyota pickup truck with the California license plate number 7067771
- Distinguishing Characteristics Caucasian male. Blond hair, green eyes.
Details of Disappearance
Desmet and 52-year-old Joseph Clarence Wilma Jr. disappeared together on August 26, 2005. They left Humboldt County, California and went to Wilma's remote Covelo, California property. They were driving Wilma's vehicle, a maroon 1998 Toyota pickup truck with the California license plate number 7067771.
Neither man was seen or heard from again after that. The two men disappeared shortly after law enforcement eradicated a large illicit marijuana garden on Wilma's Covelo property.
In April 2007, a hiker found a human jawbone in the heavily wooded Wylettie Flats area near Wilma's property. A search of the area turned up Wilma's vehicle and a femur bone, as well as a marijuana plot with about 4,500 plants. Both the femur and the jawbone were subsequently proven to be Wilma's. No remains from Desmet were found, however.
A photo of Wilma is posted with this case summary. Investigators believe he was the victim of a homicide and that Desmet was probably also murdered. No suspects have been named in their cases, however.
Investigating Agency
- Humboldt County Sheriff's Office 707-268-2539
- Mendocino County Sheriff's Office 707-234-2100
Updated 1 time since October 12, 2004. Last updated August 28, 2021; casefile added.